Thursday, July 24, 2008

you're too Shy.

People often have the habit of interjecting random statements of "helpful" conclusiveness in my conversations with them.

"You're deeply sensitive to people."

"You know, you're too shy."

"You should go out more."

Nothing that I don't already know about me myself.

You see, in their eyes I'm searching for something. Something more than the bore my life presents to them in that moment. I guess me reliving mistakes and experiences of the past represent unfulfillment and a dormant (to MY senses) desire to conquer them through which I am lost as to where to begin. I beg to differ and am highly insulted each time this happens. It is yet another nail driven into my flesh to bleed out covert frustration at having been misunderstood.

Being that I am sensitive, deeply sensitive, so I've been told, I don't need such a thing to be told to me in the first place. I know myself well.