You've just made a friend. I'm Leah. How do you do? If you answered that I do apologize for the inconvenience of no reply (my Personalized Internetacized Automatic Genuine Response Generator seems to have malfunctioned a bit here).
Now, this is a blog about a girl. And that girl is me. If you're a bit confused because that little picture over there doesn't quite measure up to your standards for one pre-pubescent, then--"ahmmm"--please let me explain. You see, physically I am a woman, but you know, I've come to realize that one's physical truth doesn't always align with his/her mental truth. I've got SO much more growing to do than I've accomplished thus far in my twenty-four years of living. And so, this blog will be the documentation of my metamorphasis into a more cultivated me. A me that I can finally be proud of--minus the pride that statistically comes with being proud. A me that finally stands apart from the wide and crowded road (let's call it Secular Street) in heart--but certainly not above it. A me that loves selflessly--without the regret that is often felt because of those who taint it with frivolity.
Just a plain old better me in every way.
Now, I don't know just HOW it is exactly I'm going to do this. Perhaps I'll use a mixture of stories from my past and present, poetry and video. Maybe I'll even do a little picture art. I don't know. I like to get creative every now and then, so just be on the lookout for occassional splashes of unsuspecting flavor.
And folks, be prepared to become my blog buddies for perhaps a verrrrrrrrry long time. This cultivation thing could take a minute!
And listen, thanks for stopping by.
Do come again.
I'm out of here.
13 years ago
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